Welcome to my little Birdy Brooch blog store. I love nature and I love creating lovely little designs that you can take everywhere on your jacket to remind you of how beautiful the everyday things are. I wouldn't usually use leather as a material, as I am a committed vegetarian and strongly support animal rights. However, I came across a stack of 'left over' leather, which was on its way to the tip and I couldn't stand that an animal had given its life for something that was to be thrown out! So I held onto these off cuts determind that this precious material would not go to waste, and after a year or so I came up with the idea of the bird. The bird is a beautiful free animal that can soar above the sky. I loved the idea of creating an image of freedom from a saved material. It stems from the Buddist idea that nothing is to be wasted in vain, and although I'm no expert on this beautiful relgion/way of life, I do love the teachings.
I will, over the next few weeks, start to make these brooches in felt and reclaimed fabrics, and I'd also like to make greeting cards from the four birdy designs. I would love to hear from you. Thanks for taking the time to look in on my Birdy Blog.
If you would like to buy a Birdy Brooch, please go to the above link for the "Made It" website. There are lots of beautiful things at Made It so enjoy your time there!
X Claretk